Exclamations, not questions. Tags | Authors | Callings

Quotes by the author "Bruce R. McConkie":

ID Year Tags Quote
00065 1980 adam-god There are those who say that there is progression from one kingdom to another in the eternal worlds ...
00069 1980 adam-god There are those who say that God is progressing in knowledge and is learning new truths. This is fal...
00092 1981 polygamy, adam-god, education You talk about teaching false doctrine and being damned. Here is a list of false doctrines that if s...
00414 1980 homosexuality, sexuality We live in a day of evil and wickedness. The generality of men are carnal, sensual, and devilish. Th...
00415 1981 truth, education It is my province to teach to the Church what the doctrine is. It is your province to echo what I sa...
00320 1982 racism We are unanimous, all of the Brethren, in feeling and recommending that Indians marry Indians, and M...