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Quotes by the author "John Taylor":

ID Year Tags Quote
00003 1970 truth I think a full, free talk is frequently of great use; we want nothing secret nor underhanded, and I ...
00039 1882 evolution These principles do not change, as represented by evolutionists of the Darwin school, but the primit...
00194 1852 racism For instance, the descendants of Cain cannot cast off their skin of blackness at once, and immediate...
00195 1852 racism Cain did not obtain Abel's birthright and blessings, though he killed him for that purpose; the bles...
00196 1852 racism, native-americans The Lamananites, through transgression, became a loathsome, ignorant, and filthy people, and were cu...
00197 1852 birth-control, racism And so fearfully does this prevail in many parts, that parents are afraid to fulfill the first great...
00198 1857 racism, slavery This Greeley [an abolitionist] is one of their popular characters in the East, and one that supports...
00199 1860 racism Some of us are learning to swear almost as good as some of the Gentiles. Some of us are learning to ...