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Quotes by authors with the calling "Presiding Patriarch":

ID Year Tags Quote
00030 1844 polygamy Whereas brother Richard Hewitt has called on me today to know my views concerning some doctrines tha...
00059 1843 eternal-progression Hiram [Smith] said Aug 1st. Those of the Terrestrial Glory either advance to the Celestial or recede...
00019 1835 prophecy Thou shalt have all the desires of thy heart which are in righteousness; yea, even to stand to see t...
00020 1835 prophecy All blessings are yours, even the blessings of heaven and earth, and you shall stand upon the earth ...
00021 1835 prophecy for thou shalt see the winding up scene of this wicked generation....
00022 1835 prophecy Thou shalt remain to see the winding up scene of all things...
00023 1835 prophecy Thou shalt stand upon the earth till the end of wickedness & see the winding up scene....
00024 1836 prophecy Thou shalt have long life and shalt see the winding up scene of this generation....
00025 1836 prophecy thou shalt see the heavens opened and behold thy Redeemer while thou art in the flesh, and he shall ...
00026 1836 prophecy Thine eyes shall see the Lord in the Flesh and thou shalt go forth in the power of Jesus Christ and ...
00027 1836 prophecy Thou shalt see the winding up scene of this wicked and untoward generation, shall be present at the ...
00028 1836 prophecy Thou shalt have power to translate thyself from one planet to another - power to go to the moon if t...
00029 1836 prophecy Thou shalt see the Lord in the flesh and behold his glory, and shall continue on the earth and behol...