Exclamations, not questions. Tags | Authors | Callings

Quotes by the author "Hugh B. Brown":

ID Year Tags Quote
00245 1964 salvation-ban, racism We have read with interest your letter of April 6th in which you refer to a certain family in your w...
00004 1970 truth Now I mention freedom to express your thoughts. But I caution you that your thoughts and expressions...
00005 1970 truth The honest investigator must be prepared to follow wherever the search of truth may lead. Truth is o...
00006 1970 truth, education Preserve, then, the freedom of your mind in education and in religion, and be unafraid to express yo...
00007 1970 truth The fact that He has promised further revelation is to me a challenge to keep an open mind and to be...
00008 1970 truth, education There are forces at work in our society today which degrade an intellectual quest for knowledge. The...
00048 1966 truth None of the early revelations of the Church have been revised, and the Doctrine and Covenants stands...
00091 1966 adam-god The Adam-God doctrine is not the doctrine of the Church, and the reports on that subject as publishe...
00118 1966 blood-atonement There is no doctrine of the Church requiring the shedding of blood for the salvation wherein certain...
00386 1962 birth-control The Church has always advised against birth control and that is the only position the Church can tak...
00387 1970 birth-control The problem of birth control and voluntary barrenness is poisoning the very fountains of life and de...