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We have read with interest your letter of April 6th in which you refer to a certain family in your ward about whom there has been some discussion as to whether or not they have negro blood. You indicate that there are two boys who are approaching priesthood age and that it has been rumored that the mother has negro blood, although there are few, if any, visible signs thereof. You also tell us that according to this sister's statement her case has been investigated on previous occasions and no evidence has to date been disclosed that would indicate that she has negro blood. We note your quotation from a patriarchal blessing given to this sister, in which the patriarch states that she is "of the daughters of Israel through the loins of Ephraim,” and declares this to be her lineage. Inasmuch as there is no conclusive evidence that these people have negro blood it would seem that you would not be justified in denying the boys the privilege of being ordained to the priesthood in the event they are otherwise worthy.
- David O. McKay (President)- Hugh B. Brown (Counselor in the First Presidency)- N. Eldon Tanner (Counselor in the First Presidency)
1964-04-16, First Presidency Letter to Bishop Price