Exclamations, not questions. Tags | Authors | Callings

Quotes by the author "Mark E. Petersen":

ID Year Tags Quote
00046 1955 evolution No oak tree ever bore chestnuts. No whale ever gave birth to a fish, and waving fields of wheat in e...
00047 1982 global-flood Noah was real. The flood was real. And so was the ark, as were the various species of life saved in ...
00345 1953 birth-control Newly married couples who start out in life are expected to keep his commandment [to multiply and re...
00346 1953 birth-control Some who have been perfectly healthy and able to bear children have avoided this responsibility, and...
00347 1954 racism God has commanded Israel not to intermarry. To go against this commandment of God would be in sin. T...
00348 1954 racism, salvation-ban No person having the least particle of Negro blood can hold the Priesthood....
00349 1954 racism, salvation-ban It does not matter if they are one-sixth Negro or one-hundred and sixth, the curse of no Priesthood ...
00350 1954 racism I think I have read enough to give you an idea of what the Negro is after. He is not just seeking th...
00351 1954 racism Now we are generous with the Negro. We are willing that the Negro have the highest education. I woul...
00352 1954 racism, salvation-ban Think of the Negro, cursed as to the priesthood. Are we prejudiced against him? Unjustly, sometimes ...
00353 1954 racism, salvation-ban Is there reason then why the type of birth we receive in this life is not a reflection of our worthi...
00354 1954 racism I would like to read to you now from The Way to Perfection, by President Joseph Fielding Smith. I be...
00355 1954 racism Now what is our policy in regard to intermarriage? As to the Negro, of course, there is only one pos...
00356 1954 racism What is our advice with respect to intermarriage with Chinese, Japanese, Hawaiians and so on? I will...
00357 1954 racism Now let's talk about segregation again for a few moments. Was segregation a wrong principle? When th...
00358 1954 racism, salvation-ban In placing a curse on Laman and Lemuel, He engaged in segregation. When He placed the mark upon Cain...
00359 1954 racism Who placed the Negroes originally in darkest Africa? Was it some man, or was it God? And when He pla...
00360 1954 racism, salvation-ban The Lord segregated the people both as to blood and place of residence. At least in the cases of the...
00361 1954 racism, salvation-ban We mustn't intermarry with the Negro. Why? If I were to marry a Negro woman and have children by her...
00362 1954 racism, salvation-ban Let us consider the great mercy of God for a moment. A Chinese, born in China with a dark skin, and ...
00363 1954 racism, salvation-ban, native-americans Well, what about the removal of the curse? We know what the Lord has said in the Book of Mormon in r...
00364 1954 racism, salvation-ban You remember that Brigham Young has said... 'When all of the other children of Adam have had the pri...
00365 1954 racism, salvation-ban President Woodruff added, 'The Lord said, "I will not kill Cain, but I will put a mark upon him, and...
00366 1965 sexuality, homosexuality Legislators are being asked to rule that adultery should no longer be considered a crime that homose...
00367 1969 birth-control In this birth control effort man places himself in direct opposition to the plan and laws of God. Th...
00368 1969 homosexuality, sexuality Homosexuality was made a capital crime in the Bible. It was the Almighty who decreed that men and wo...
00369 1981 sexuality Overcoming masturbation: Never read pornographic material. Never read about your problem. Keep it ou...
00370 1981 sexuality Overcoming masturbation: If you are associated with other persons having this same problem, YOU MUST...
00371 1981 sexuality If you associate something very distasteful with your loss of self-control it will help you to stop ...
00372 1981 money Why do some say they can not afford to pay tithing when just the reverse is true? And when great tri...
00320 1982 racism We are unanimous, all of the Brethren, in feeling and recommending that Indians marry Indians, and M...