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I would like to read to you now from The Way to Perfection, by President Joseph Fielding Smith. I believe the chapters in this book, three of them primarily, provide the best statement of our inter-racial position that I know anything about, and I certainly highly recommend them to you. I will begin to read under a section: "Preassignment to nation or tribe: ...'Is it not a reasonable belief that the Lord would select the most choice spirits to come to the better grades of nations? Is it not reasonable to believe that less worthy spirits would come through less favored lineage? Does this not account in very large part for the various grades of color and degrees of intelligence we find in the Earth?'"
- Mark E. Petersen (Apostle)
1954-08-27, Race Problems - As They Affect The Church, Convention of Teachers of Religion on the College Level, Brigham Young University
This quote is tagged racism
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