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And if any man mingles his seed with the seed of Cane the ownly way he Could get rid of it or have salvation would be to Come forward & have his head Cut off & spill his Blood upon the ground. It would also take the life of his Children. It is said if a man kills another that he takes that that He cannot give. If a mans head is cut off his life is not destroyed or his spirit that lives. His tabernacle is destroyed But I can make as good tabernacles as I can destroy. If you do not believe it look at my Children. Much blood was shed in ancient days both of man & Beast. The firstlings & best of the flock was sacrafized on the Altar & in some instances many men & almost whole Nations were sacraficed or put to death because of their sins & wickedness. This was the ownly way they could be saved at all.
- Brigham Young (President)
1852, Quoted by Wilford Woodruff, Wilford Woodruff's Journal, 4:97
This quote is tagged racism, blood-atonement
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