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President Charles W. Penrose, speaking of Capital punishment, has said: 'This divine law for shedding the blood of a murderer has never been repealed. It is a law given by the Almighty and not abrogated in the Christian faith. It stands on record for all time— that a murderer shall have his blood shed. He that commits murder must be slain. "Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed." I know there are some benevolent and philanthropic people in these times who think that capital punishment ought to be abolished. Yet I think the Lord knows better than they. The law he ordained will have the best results to mankind in general.'
- Charles W. Penrose (Counselor in the First Presidency)
unknown date, Quoted by Joseph Fielding Smith in Answers to Gospel Questions, Vol. 1, pg 93; Also in Blood Atonement, pg 2526
This quote is tagged blood-atonement
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