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That [Blood Atonement] was the law of God in the days of Moses. It was the law of God previous to the days of Moses, as you will find by reference to the Book of Genesis. It has been the law of God from the beginning. Some people have an idea that Jesus did away with that law, and they bring up the case of the woman that had been taken in transgression. The object of the Pharisees in bringing the woman to the Savior was that they might catch him in some way. You will find by reading the history of Jesus Christ's ministry on the earth that it was then as it is today- snares are all the time being laid to catch the servants of God. They tried to entrap him in many ways, but he was able to meet them with the wisdom of the Great God; for the Spirit of God was given to him without measure. The woman they brought to him was taken in this great transgression. The Pharisees knew the law of Moses was that she should be put to death. They inquired what Jesus had to say. He stooped down and thought a little while, then wrote with his finger on the ground and exclaimed, "Let him that is without sin cast the first stone...." Did Jesus say the law ought not to be inflicted? No, He asked: "Woman, where are thine accusers?" They were gone. "Neither do I accuse thee." It must be remembered that there must be accusers as well as judges. Jesus set a pattern which judges in these times would do well to follow.
- Joseph Fielding Smith (President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles)
1953, Answers to Gospel Questions, Vol. 1, pg 93
This quote is tagged blood-atonement
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