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Then what ought this meek people who keep the commandments of God unto them? 'Why' says one, 'they ought to pray to the Lord to kill them.' I want to know if you would wish the Lord to come down and do all your dirty work? Many of the latter day saints will pray and petition and supplicate the Lord to do a thousand things they themselves would be ashamed to do. I would like men never to ask Jesus Christ the Lamb of God, his Father, their associates, or the angels of the high heavens to do anything they would not be willing to do themselves. When a man prays for a thing he ought to be willing to perform it himself but if the latter day saints should put to death the covenant breakers it would try the faith of the very meek, just, and pious ones among them and it would cause a great deal of whining in Israel.
- Jedediah M. Grant (Counselor in the First Presidency)
1854-07-27, Deseret News 1
This quote is tagged blood-atonement
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