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In the days of Moses for certain crimes they were to bring the guilty persons before the congregation and each man and woman were required to bring a stone to throw at the person worthy of death. Then there was another odd commandment - The Lord God commanded them not to pity the person whom they killed; but to execute the law of God upon persons worthy of death. This should be done by the entire congregation showing no pity. I have thought there would have to be quite a revolution among the Mormons, before such a commandment could be obeyed completely by them. The Mormons have a great deal of sympathy. For instance, if they can get a man before the tribunal administering the law of the land, and succeed in getting a rope round his neck, and having him hung up like a dead dog, it is all right; but if the Church and Kingdom of God should stop forth and execute the law of God, O! what a burst of Mormon sympathy it would cause. I wish I were in a situation favorable to our doing that which is justifiable before God, without any contaminating influences of Gentile amalgamation, laws, and traditions, that the people of God might lay the axe to the root of the tree, and every tree that bringing not forth good fruit might be hewn down.
- Jedediah M. Grant (Counselor in the First Presidency)
1854-07-27, Deseret News 1
This quote is tagged blood-atonement
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