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But if the Government of God on earth, and the Eternal Priesthood, with the sanction of High Heaven, in the midst of all his people, has passed sentence on certain sins when they appear in a person, has not the people of God a right to carry out that part of his law as well as any other portion of it? It is their right to baptize a sinner to save him, and it is also their right to kill a sinner to save him, when he commits those crimes that can only be atoned for by shedding his blood. If the Lord God forgives sins by baptism, and there is another law that certain sins cannot be atoned for by baptism, but by the shedding of the blood of the sinner, query, whether the people of God be overreaching the mark, if they should execute the law to save such? They used to do it sufficiently. We would not kill a man, of course, unless we killed him to save him.
- Jedediah M. Grant (Counselor in the First Presidency)
1854-07-27, Deseret News 1
This quote is tagged blood-atonement
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