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Not long ago the presiding Bishop came to the president's office and brought with him a large volume containing ten thousand names of reputed members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He placed it before president Snow and said, 'President Snow, here is a list of ten thousand members of the Church who are non-tithe payers.' Just think of it! With all the facilities we have of coming to an understanding of the truth, with the doctrines of Christ before us in the inspired books which we have -- the Bible, which speaks so plainly in relation to the principle of tithing; the Book of Mormon, which repeats the law of tithing; and the book of D&C,; which contains the revelations the Lord gave through the prophet Joseph Smith -- and professing as we do to be Latter-day Saints, yet there are ten thousand non-tithepayers among us! We meet together from Sabbath to Sabbath, partake of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, belong to various quorums of the priesthood, and notwithstanding all this there are so many who have not yet learned this one principle, and who do not seem to understand that it is a command of God unto this people. It is not only a command, but it is given as the word of the Lord with promise; for by obedience to it we are to be delivered. When the earth shall be burned, and when the proud and they that do wickedly shall become as stubble under the feet of men, the Lord has declared that those who are tithed shall not be burned.
- Joseph F. Smith (Counselor in the First Presidency)
1901, General Conference
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