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If you knew how generously money has been expended to train our youth, to teach them to 'pray without ceasing;' if you knew that the Church is pressed today for funds because of the great expenditures made for the religious training of your sons and daughters; that the President and his associates, in order to give our young folks the religious training which the nation and the youth of our country so much need, have established eighty-two seminaries and maintained many church schools -- then, I feel sure, you faithful members would come forward more liberally with your tithing. There is no price in time, in effort, or in money that you can not afford to pay, if by so doing you can have your young folks so taught and trained that they will bring to you and to your family honor and not dishonor, credit and not discredit.
- Richard R. Lyman (Apostle)
1929, General Conference
This quote is tagged money
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