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Her mother had pleaded, 'Won't you give her a blessing?' I took her in my office and thought I would talk with her a few minutes alone (she and her mother had been at loggerheads), and I said to her, 'Well, now, you say you want me to give you a blessing? Now it would just be sheer mockery for me to put my hands on your head until you are prepared to take me by the right hand and look me squarely in the eye and tell me that from this time forth you will never again return to this ugly practice.' And she buried her face in her arms and she sobbed, 'But I love her, I love her so much.' 'Well,' I said, 'then you are just wasting my time and I am wasting yours. There is nothing I can do about it.' So we talked a little bit more and she cried, and finally she said, 'Oh, Brother Lee, please, I promise you that I will never do this again. I need a blessing, please help me.' With my hands on her head I had another experience. The impression came to have her pray as soon as I had finished, so I said to her, 'Now I want you to kneel down and I want you to pray to God to give you the strength to do what you have promised me this day that you will do.' And as she buried her face in the seat of that chair, I never heard such a prayer from a youth: 'Please, Heavenly Father, you know that I want to be a wife, and I want to be a mother, help me to be a normal, natural woman. Father, help me to lick this cursed thing that is about to destroy my life,' and she just pleaded and she sobbed. Well, if you should see the girl today, you would see what Alma was when he came out of that three days' experience, and you would see her as a wholly different person than the one who looked like she was far gone. But there was a spark still there; she hadn't committed the unpardonable sin. And I was an agent; I was an agent of God to give to her some spiritual help to fan the flame that was flickering into a full burning desire to be a true woman.
- Harold B. Lee (Apostle)
1962-02-03, "The Light of Christ" Devotional given to BYU Institute of Religion
This quote is tagged homosexuality
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