Exclamations, not questions. Tags | Authors | Callings
The secret of the strength of this church may be found in the statement of a president of a student body at one of our state-operated universities, whose identity, of course, is confidential. This is a quotation from his personal letter addressed to me: 'With the rule of the radical ideas which are sweeping the country, there has come a breakdown of family ties which is despised in many intellectual circles. The country is seemingly plied with sex education, abortion, planned parenthood, pornography, women's liberation, communal living, premarital sex, and postmarital permissiveness....' And then this young college student leader concludes with this heartwarming declaration, which I know came from the depths of his soul. This is what he wrote: 'President Lee, I want you to know that the Latter-day Saint students on campus who keep the commandments are 100 percent behind you.'
- Harold B. Lee (President)
1973, General Conference, Strengthen the Stakes of Zion
This quote is tagged education, sexuality
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