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When quite a number of men were being arrested for these ugly practices [homosexuality], the president [President David O. McKay] called one of my colleages and myself in and charged us with the responsibility of helping these people on a church level. Naturally, our work was limited largely to the Northern Utah area, though in a limited way we have helped some people afar through their bishops and stake presidents. We immediately called into service a current bishop, a church official of wide experience who is a successful business man, who is a man of rare, good judgment and kindness. He has an office without a name on it, a telephone without a published number and his work is done on a confidential basis. Our helper bishop and our program of rehabilitation are known now to the police, the courts and the judges who refer many cases directly. When cases come to us, we usually interview the person then refer him to our special assistant. In many cases, the offenders have been referred to him by judges on a probation basis. Our associate is not a trained psychiatrist nor does he pretend to be a trained social worker, but he is a humble servant of the Lord applying to the cases love, understanding and righteous principles. His methods of helping in the cures might not pass a state board of professional examiners, but they seem to pass well with the offenders and with the Lord for there have been numerous cures.
- Spencer W. Kimball (Apostle)
1964-07-10, Address to BYU Seminary and Institute of Religion Faculty, A Counselling Problem in the Church
This quote is tagged homosexuality
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