Exclamations, not questions. Tags | Authors | Callings
And now, the voice of a commentator: 'Recently, the screen industry solemnly announced that henceforth perversion and homosexuality would no longer be barred from the screen. ... We are drowning our youngsters in violence, cynicism and sadism piped into the living room. ...' Quoting from fairly recent publications: 'The ____ church conference today approved recommendation that homosexuality between consenting adults should no longer be a criminal offense. ...' The voice from a much-read magazine: '... a group of ____ ministers in San Francisco thinks the churches ought to drop their strictures against homosexuals. ...' It was reported that groups of ministers and their wives attended a party given by homosexuals and lesbians to raise funds for the perversion program. The magazine quoted: '... that all Bay area schools would have to close down immediately if all homosexuals currently working in the school systems were discovered and in keeping with state law, dismissed.' (Newsweek, February 13, 1967.) The minister quoted is reported to have said: '... two people of the same sex can express love and deepen that love by sexual intercourse.' (Ibid.) Those are ugly voices—they are loud and raspy.
- Harold B. Lee (Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles)
1971, General Conference, Voices of the Past, of the Present, of the Future