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Christ taught that we should be in the world but not of it. Yet there are some in our midst who are not so much concerned about taking the gospel into the world as they are about bringing worldliness into the gospel. They want us to be in the world and of it. They want us to be popular with the worldly even though a prophet has said that this is impossible, for all hell would then want to join us. Through their own reasoning and a few misapplied scriptures, they try to sell us the precepts and philosophies of men. They do not feel the Church is progressive enough -- they say that it should embrace the social and socialist gospel of apostate Christendom. They are bothered that President McKay believes that 'the social side of the Restored Gospel is only an incident of it; it is not the end thereof.' (Letter of the First Presidency to Dr. Lowry Nelson, July 17, 1947.) They attack the Church for not being in the forefront of the so-called 'civil rights movement.' They are embarrassed over some Church doctrine, and as Lehi foretold, the scoffing of the world over this and other matters will cause some of them to be ashamed and they shall fall away. (See 1 Ne. 8:28.)
- Ezra Taft Benson (Apostle)
1969, General Conference
This quote is tagged civil-rights, racism
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