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At the last general Relief Society conference of the Church, Elder Harold B. Lee quoted President J. Reuben Clark, Jr., in regard to this matter. Let us listen and learn from the following wise words of this seer, President Clark: 'Many influences (more than ever before in my lifetime) are seeking to break down chastity with its divinely declared sanctity...In schoolrooms the children are taught what is popularly called 'the facts of life.' Instead of bringing about the alleged purpose of the teaching, that is, strengthening of the morals of youth, this teaching seems to have had directly the opposite effect. The teaching seems merely to have whetted curiosity and augmented appetite... Already the schools have taught sex facts ad nauseam. All their teachings have but torn away the modesty that once clothed sex; their discussions tend to make, and sometimes seem to make, sex animals of our boys and girls. The teachings do little but arouse curiosity for experience... A work on chastity can be given in one sentence, two words: Be chaste! That tells everything. You do not need to know all the details of the repro- ductive processes in order to keep clean.'
- Ezra Taft Benson (Apostle)
1969, General Conference
This quote is tagged education, sexuality
This is quote 00336; a permanent link to this quote is here.