Exclamations, not questions. Tags | Authors | Callings
Open letter to school principal - Recently some parents paid for space in a newspaper to run an open letter to the school principal of their son. The letter in part stated: 'You are hereby notified that our son, is not allowed by his undersigned parents to participate in, or be subject to instruction in, any training or education in sex, human biological development, attitude development, self-understanding, personal and family life, or group therapy, or sensitivity training, or self-criticism, or any combination or degree thereof, without the consent of the undersigned by express written permission....' We intend to retain and exercise our parental rights to guide our child in the areas of morality and sexual behavior without any interference or contradiction imposed by school personnel.' Our son has been taught to recognize the format of sensitivity training, group therapy, self-criticism, etc., as it is being broadly applied, lowering the standards of morality and replacing American individual responsibility with the dependency on, and conformity to, the herd consensus 'concept of collectivism.' He has been instructed to promptly remove himself from any class in which he is exposed to the aforementioned indoctrination and to report to us any such disregard of this letter.
- Ezra Taft Benson (Apostle)
1970, General Conference, Strengthening the Family
This quote is tagged sexuality, education
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