Exclamations, not questions. Tags | Authors | Callings
After listening to your talk on Civil Rights, I am very much concerned. Several others have expressed the same concern to me... I would like to suggest you read two items on this subject, both by the Prophet Joseph Smith. Turn to page 269 of Teachings Of The Prophet Joseph Smith by Joseph Fielding Smith, and read beginning the middle of the page under the caption, "The Status of the Negro," giving particular attention to the closing sentence on page 270. Also, read from History of the Church, Period 1, Volume 2, beginning on page 436, under the heading, "The Prophet's Views on Abolition," which article continues to the bottom of page 440. After reading this last-mentioned statement by the Prophet, then come back to the last paragraph on page 438, and give it some real thought.
- Delbert L. Stapley (Apostle)
1964-01-23, Letter to George W. Romney, Governor of Michigan
This quote is tagged racism, slavery
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