Exclamations, not questions. Tags | Authors | Callings
In this respect [the demise of those who are active in the Negro cause], let me give you a personal experience. A friend of mine in Arizona- not a Church member-a great champion of the colored race-came to me after my call into the Twelve, and acknowledged President McKay to be a Prophet of God. He wanted me to ask President McKay to inquire of the Lord to see if the Lord would not lift the curse from the colored race and give them the privileges of the Priesthood. I explained to him that the Lord had placed the curse upon the Negro, which denied him the Priesthood; therefore, it was the Lord's responsibility -not man's- to change His decision. This friend of mine met a very tragic end by drowning. He was a most enthusiastic advocate of the colored cause and went about promoting for them all the privileges, social opportunities, and participation enjoyed by the Whites.
- Delbert L. Stapley (Apostle)
1964-01-23, Letter to George W. Romney, Governor of Michigan
This quote is tagged racism
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