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Quotes in the tag "communism":

ID Year Tags Quote
00321 1967 politics, civil-rights, communism, racism There is no doubt that the so-called civil rights movement as it exists today is used as a Communist...
00323 1967 politics, communism, civil-rights The Communist strategists call this alternate plan a 'proletarian' revolution. This plan is as follo...
00324 1967 civil-rights, racism, violence, communism, politics Not one in a thousand Americans -- black or white -- really understands the full implications of tod...
00325 1965 communism, politics, civil-rights Before I left for Europe I warned how the communists were using the civil rights movement to promote...
00328 1967 civil-rights, politics, communism CHAPTER 13 CIVIL RIGHTS - TOOL OF COMMUNIST DECEPTION...
00330 1967 civil-rights, communism, politics Such timely counsel could help save our country from communism, as the same 'masters of deceit' are ...
00331 1967 communism, civil-rights, racism From the beginning of the so-called Negro Revolution and the insane antics identified with it... I h...
00333 1967 civil-rights, communism, politics The man who is generally recognized as the leader of the so-called civil rights movement today in Am...
00337 1969 sexuality, education, communism As citizens of the greatest nation of the world, we face a deadly serious crisis. We must do battle ...
00344 1988 politics, communism Our families may be corrupted by worldly trends and teachings unless we know how to use the book [of...