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The man who is generally recognized as the leader of the so-called civil rights movement today in America [Martin Luther King Jr.] is a man who has lectured at a communist training school, who has solicited funds through communist sources, who hired a communist as a top-level aide, who has affiliated with communist fronts, who is often praised in the communist press, and who unquestionably parallels the communist line. This same man advocates the breaking of the law and has been described by J. Edgar Hoover as "the most notorious liar in the country." (U.S. News and World Report, November 30, 1964.) I warn you, unless we wake up soon and do something about the conspiracy, the communist-inspired civil rights riots of the past will pale into insignificance compared to the bloodshed and destruction that lie ahead in the near future.
- Ezra Taft Benson (Apostle)
1967, An Enemy Hath Done This, pg 310
This quote is tagged civil-rights, communism, politics
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