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Quotes in the tag "native-americans":

ID Year Tags Quote
00101 1853 blood-atonement, native-americans If you want to know what to do with a thief that you may find stealing, I say kill him on the spot, ...
00102 1853 blood-atonement, native-americans I know this appears hard, and throws a cold chill over our revered traditions received by early educ...
00173 1852 native-americans To all to whom it may concern: This certifies that Captain Walker [Wakara] and Peeteetneet of the Eu...
00290 1970 racism, native-americans The Indians on the American continent are descendants of the tribes of Ephraim, Judah, Manasseh, we ...
00294 1970 native-americans, racism Throughout Central and South America there are likewise silent witnesses in uncovered cities attesti...
00196 1852 racism, native-americans The Lamananites, through transgression, became a loathsome, ignorant, and filthy people, and were cu...
00255 1931 racism, salvation-ban, native-americans During the course of a discussion in Nauvoo in 1842, on the question as to whether the Negroes or th...
00261 1953 racism, native-americans The dark skin was placed upon the Lamanites so that they could be distinguished from the Nephites an...
00262 1953 racism, native-americans After the people again forgot the Lord and dissensions arose, some of them took upon themselves the ...
00263 1953 racism, native-americans Perhaps there are some Lamanites today who are losing the dark pigment. Many of the members of the C...
00363 1954 racism, salvation-ban, native-americans Well, what about the removal of the curse? We know what the Lord has said in the Book of Mormon in r...
00300 1960 racism, native-americans These young members of the Church are changing to whiteness and delightsomeness. One white elder jok...
00301 1960 racism, native-americans Very soon there will be an Indian boy paired off in missionary work with each white boy, and this wi...
00302 1960 racism, native-americans In this picture of the twenty Lamanite missionaries, fifteen of the twenty were as light as Anglos, ...
00303 1960 racism, native-americans The children in the home placement program in Utah are often lighter than their brothers and sisters...
00304 1960 racism, native-americans The day of the Lamanites is here! Young white missionaries throughout the Church are happy in the se...
00318 1982 racism, native-americans When I said you must teach your people to overcome their prejudices and accept the Indians, I did no...
00200 1881 racism, native-americans The Lamanites, now a down-trodden people, are a remnant of the house of Israel. The curse of God has...
00204 1889 racism, native-americans The Lamanites, on this continent, suffered a similar experience. They went to war against the Nephit...
00206 1852 racism, native-americans Be merciful unto them [the seed of Joseph who inhabit this land], O our Father, in their ignorant, d...