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Be merciful unto them [the seed of Joseph who inhabit this land], O our Father, in their ignorant, degraded, and miserable condition, inflicted on them as a living witness of thy righteous judgments; yet remember, we beseech of thee, our Heavenly Father, that they are of thine ancient covenant people, and to them pertain the promises made rise unto their fathers; and we pray the that their past experience in drinking of the cup of thy displeasure may suffices and that thou wouldst now stretch forth thine arm for their deliverance from the darkness, superstition, and ignorance that reign in their souls. Give unto them dreams, and visions, and revelations by thy Spirit, that they may see their degraded condition, and the blessings which are in store for them through the obedience of their fathers, that they may search after thy servants, and receive their teaching, and the teachings of thy Spirit; that they may be enlightened in principle, in doctrine, and in duty, and learn the way of life and salvation, which their fathers knew and loved, but lost through transgression; that they may again become a white and delightsome people in the midst of the nations, and find salvation at last in thy presence.
- Willard Richards (Counselor in the First Presidency)
1852-04-06, Dedicatory Prayer for the Tabernacle in Salt Lake City; Millennial Star, v. 14, pg 344-345
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