Exclamations, not questions. Tags | Authors | Callings

Quotes by the author "Delbert L. Stapley":

ID Year Tags Quote
00374 1964 racism, slavery After listening to your talk on Civil Rights, I am very much concerned. Several others have expresse...
00375 1964 slavery, racism When I reflect upon the Prophet's statements and remember what happened to three of our nation's pre...
00376 1964 racism In this respect [the demise of those who are active in the Negro cause], let me give you a personal ...
00377 1964 racism, slavery I am sure you know that the Prophet Joseph Smith, in connection with the Negro problem of this count...
00378 1964 racism The statements of the Prophet Joseph Smith have been a helpful influence on me because they accord w...
00379 1964 racism It is not right to force any class or race of people upon those of a different social order or race ...
00380 1964 racism I am not against a Civil Rights Bill if it conforms to the views of the Prophet Joseph Smith accordi...
00381 1964 racism Now, don't think I am against the Negro people, because I have several in my employ. We must underst...