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Quotes by the author "Joseph Fielding Smith":

ID Year Tags Quote
00044 1961 prophecy We will never get a man into space. This earth is man's sphere and it was never intended that he sho...
00063 1954 eternal-progression It has been asked if it is possible for one who inherits the telestial glory to advance in time to t...
00113 1953 blood-atonement That [Blood Atonement] was the law of God in the days of Moses. It was the law of God previous to th...
00114 1954 blood-atonement But man may commit certain grievous sins — according to his light and knowledge — that will place hi...
00115 1954 blood-atonement Do you believe this doctrine? If not, then I do say you do not believe in the true doctrine of the a...
00116 1953 blood-atonement 'And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it, a...
00117 1954 blood-atonement Joseph Smith taught that there were certain sins so grievous that man may commit, that they will pla...
00247 1916 birth-control Those who attempt to pervert the ways of the Lord, and to prevent their offspring from coming into t...
00248 1916 birth-control It is indeed, a case of survival of the fittest, and it is only a matter of time before those who so...
00249 1931 racism, salvation-ban That negro race, for instance, have been placed under restrictions because of their attitude in the ...
00250 1931 racism, salvation-ban The name of Ham is also rather significant, for it means 'swarthy' or 'black.' It is possible that t...
00251 1931 racism Is it not a reasonable belief that the Lord would select the most choice spirits to come to the bett...
00252 1931 racism, salvation-ban Not only was Cain called upon to suffer, but because of his wickedness he became the father of an in...
00253 1931 racism, salvation-ban In the spirit of sympathy, mercy, and faith, we will also hope that blessings may eventually be give...
00254 1931 racism, salvation-ban It was well understood by the early elders of the Church that the mark which was placed on Cain and ...
00255 1931 racism, salvation-ban, native-americans During the course of a discussion in Nauvoo in 1842, on the question as to whether the Negroes or th...
00256 1935 money, prophecy I was asked, not long ago, if I could tell when the Lord would come. I answered 'Yes,' and I answer ...
00257 1953 racism, salvation-ban If Abraham, Joseph, and Moses had married Negro wives their descendants would have been denied the p...
00258 1953 racism It is very possible that Ham received his name due to the fact that he married a black woman. We lea...
00259 1953 racism, salvation-ban Why do not those who complain about the Negro and the priesthood also complain about the punishment ...
00260 1953 prophecy MAN IS LIMITED TO HIS OWN EARTH When man was placed on this earth it became his probationary, or mor...
00261 1953 racism, native-americans The dark skin was placed upon the Lamanites so that they could be distinguished from the Nephites an...
00262 1953 racism, native-americans After the people again forgot the Lord and dissensions arose, some of them took upon themselves the ...
00263 1953 racism, native-americans Perhaps there are some Lamanites today who are losing the dark pigment. Many of the members of the C...
00264 1953 racism, salvation-ban If a Negro is baptized and remains true and loyal, he will enter the celestial kingdom, but it is no...
00265 1954 racism, salvation-ban There were no neutrals in the war in heaven. All took sides either with Christ or with Satan. Every ...
00266 1954 racism, salvation-ban There is a reason why one man is born black and with other disadvantages, while another is born whit...
00267 1954 birth-control BIRTH CONTROL IS WICKEDNESS - The abuse of this holy covenant has been the primary cause for the dow...
00268 1954 birth-control When a man and a woman are married and they agree, or covenant, to limit their offspring to two or t...
00269 1954 birth-control When young people marry and refuse to fulfill this commandment given in the beginning of the world [...
00270 1954 birth-control Small families is the rule today. Husbands and wives refuse to take upon themselves the responsibili...
00271 1958 salvation-ban Now here is a problem which to me is serious. A patriarch gave a blessing to an individual who had N...
00272 1958 salvation-ban, racism Q. We have a young man who joined the Church and there is a question as to his lineage. Is there any...