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The name of Ham is also rather significant, for it means 'swarthy' or 'black.' It is possible that this is an appellation given to the third son of Noah because of the part he played in preserving through his lineage - and that most likely, as we have tried to show, through his wife Egyptus the race of blacks upon whom the curse was placed. Piecing together the evidence as we discover it in holy writ and in tradition, we are brought to the conclusion that Ham, through Egyptus, continued the curse which was placed upon the seed of Cain. Because of that curse this dark race was separated and isolated from all the rest of Adam's posterity before the flood, and since that time the same condition has continued, and they have been 'despised among all people.'
- Joseph Fielding Smith (Apostle)
1931, The Way to Perfection, pg 110-111; pg 5 of pdf