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We know there is a portion of inhabitants of the Earth who dwell in Asia that are Negroes, and said to be Jews. The blood of Judah has not only mingled almost with all nations, but also with the blood of Cain, and they have mingled their seed together; these Negro jews may keep up all the outer ordinances of the Jewish religion, they may have their sacrifices, and they may perform all the religious ceremonies any people on Earth could perform, but let me tell you, that the day they consented to mingle their seed with Canaan, the Priesthood was taken away from Judah, and that portion of Judah's seed, will never get any rule, or the blessings of the Priesthood until Cain gets it.
- Brigham Young (President)
1852-02-05, The Teachings of President Brigham Young, Vol. 3, 1852-1854, pg 45-46