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Quotes in the tag "salvation-ban":

ID Year Tags Quote
00138 1852 racism, salvation-ban The Lord said I will not kill Cane But I will put a mark upon him and it is seen in the [face?] of e...
00139 1854 racism, salvation-ban He killed his brother. The Lord put a mark on him; and there are some of his children in this room. ...
00140 1852 racism, salvation-ban If there was never a Prophet or Apostle of Jesus Christ [that] spoke it before, I tell you, this peo...
00141 1852 racism, salvation-ban Now I tell you what I know: when the mark was put upon Cain, Abel's children was in all probability ...
00142 1859 racism, salvation-ban How long is that race to endure the dreadful curse that is upon them? That curse will remain upon th...
00157 1852 racism, salvation-ban It has been argued here that many of the Jews were Black. Whenever the seed of Judah mingled with th...
00159 1852 racism, salvation-ban As an Ensample let the Presidency, Twelve Seventies High Priest Bishops & all the Authorities say no...
00168 1852 racism, salvation-ban We know there is a portion of inhabitants of the Earth who dwell in Asia that are Negroes, and said ...
00169 1852 racism, salvation-ban Let this Church which is called the Kingdom of God on the Earth; we will summons the First Presidenc...
00171 1852 racism, salvation-ban, politics The negro... should serve the seed of Abraham; he should not be a ruler, nor vote for men to rule ov...
00172 1852 racism, politics, salvation-ban The seed of Canaan cannot hold any office, civil or ecclesiastical. They have not wisdom to act like...
00182 1852 racism, politics, salvation-ban In the Kingdom of God on Earth, the Africans cannot hold one particle of power in government. The su...
00244 1947 salvation-ban, racism I know of no scriptural basis for denying the Priesthood to Negroes other than one verse in the Book...
00245 1964 salvation-ban, racism We have read with interest your letter of April 6th in which you refer to a certain family in your w...
00329 1967 salvation-ban, slavery The Prophet Joseph Smith understood this principle when he said, 'The curse is not yet taken off fro...
00235 1947 racism, salvation-ban, education From the days of the Prophet Joseph even until now, it has been the doctrine of the Church, never qu...
00236 1949 salvation-ban, racism The attitude of the Church with reference to Negroes remains as it has always stood. It is not a mat...
00237 1949 racism, salvation-ban The position of the Church regarding the Negro may be understood when another doctrine of the Church...
00239 1939 racism, salvation-ban PUNISHMENT OF THOSE NOT VALIANT - The negro is an unfortunate man. He has been given a black skin. B...
00240 1939 racism, salvation-ban I can not conceive our Father consigning his children to a condition such as that of the negro race,...
00221 1897 racism, salvation-ban The question also came up whether a white man who was married to a woman having negro blood in her v...
00281 1961 racism, salvation-ban Some are heralding the fact that there was one of colored blood, Elijah Abel, who was ordained a Sev...
00288 1970 racism, salvation-ban There is no truth more plainly taught in the Gospel than that our condition in the next world will d...
00291 1970 racism, salvation-ban Millions of souls have come into this world with the mark that was put upon Cain's posterity and hav...
00292 1970 racism, salvation-ban To impress the grave consequences and the seriousness of intermarriage as between those of different...
00249 1931 racism, salvation-ban That negro race, for instance, have been placed under restrictions because of their attitude in the ...
00250 1931 racism, salvation-ban The name of Ham is also rather significant, for it means 'swarthy' or 'black.' It is possible that t...
00252 1931 racism, salvation-ban Not only was Cain called upon to suffer, but because of his wickedness he became the father of an in...
00253 1931 racism, salvation-ban In the spirit of sympathy, mercy, and faith, we will also hope that blessings may eventually be give...
00254 1931 racism, salvation-ban It was well understood by the early elders of the Church that the mark which was placed on Cain and ...
00255 1931 racism, salvation-ban, native-americans During the course of a discussion in Nauvoo in 1842, on the question as to whether the Negroes or th...
00257 1953 racism, salvation-ban If Abraham, Joseph, and Moses had married Negro wives their descendants would have been denied the p...
00259 1953 racism, salvation-ban Why do not those who complain about the Negro and the priesthood also complain about the punishment ...
00264 1953 racism, salvation-ban If a Negro is baptized and remains true and loyal, he will enter the celestial kingdom, but it is no...
00265 1954 racism, salvation-ban There were no neutrals in the war in heaven. All took sides either with Christ or with Satan. Every ...
00266 1954 racism, salvation-ban There is a reason why one man is born black and with other disadvantages, while another is born whit...
00271 1958 salvation-ban Now here is a problem which to me is serious. A patriarch gave a blessing to an individual who had N...
00272 1958 salvation-ban, racism Q. We have a young man who joined the Church and there is a question as to his lineage. Is there any...
00150 1836 slavery, racism, salvation-ban Trace the history of the world from this notable event down to this day, and you will find the fulfi...
00348 1954 racism, salvation-ban No person having the least particle of Negro blood can hold the Priesthood....
00349 1954 racism, salvation-ban It does not matter if they are one-sixth Negro or one-hundred and sixth, the curse of no Priesthood ...
00352 1954 racism, salvation-ban Think of the Negro, cursed as to the priesthood. Are we prejudiced against him? Unjustly, sometimes ...
00353 1954 racism, salvation-ban Is there reason then why the type of birth we receive in this life is not a reflection of our worthi...
00358 1954 racism, salvation-ban In placing a curse on Laman and Lemuel, He engaged in segregation. When He placed the mark upon Cain...
00360 1954 racism, salvation-ban The Lord segregated the people both as to blood and place of residence. At least in the cases of the...
00361 1954 racism, salvation-ban We mustn't intermarry with the Negro. Why? If I were to marry a Negro woman and have children by her...
00362 1954 racism, salvation-ban Let us consider the great mercy of God for a moment. A Chinese, born in China with a dark skin, and ...
00363 1954 racism, salvation-ban, native-americans Well, what about the removal of the curse? We know what the Lord has said in the Book of Mormon in r...
00364 1954 racism, salvation-ban You remember that Brigham Young has said... 'When all of the other children of Adam have had the pri...
00365 1954 racism, salvation-ban President Woodruff added, 'The Lord said, "I will not kill Cain, but I will put a mark upon him, and...
00193 1839 racism, salvation-ban The statement concerning our invitation to them [free negroes and mulattoes] to become "Mormons," an...
00143 1978 racism, salvation-ban Accordingly, all worthy male members of the Church may be ordained to the priesthood without regard ...