Exclamations, not questions. Tags | Authors | Callings
Let this Church which is called the Kingdom of God on the Earth; we will summons the First Presidency, the Twelve, the High Council, the Bishopric, and all the Elders of Israel, suppose we summons them to appear here, and here declare that it is right to mingle our seed with the black race of Cain, that they shall come in with us and be partakers with us of all the blessings God has given to us. On that very day, and hour we should do so, the priesthood is taken from this Church and the Kingdom of God leaves us to our fate. The moment we consent to mingle with the seed of Cain, the Church must go to destruction -- we should receive the curse which has been placed upon the seed of Cain, and never more be numbered with the children of Adam who are heirs to the Priesthood until that curse be removed. Therefore, I will not consent one moment to have an African dictate [to] me or my brethren with regard to Church or State Government.
- Brigham Young (President)
1852-02-05, The Teachings of President Brigham Young, Vol. 3, 1852-1854, pg 45-46