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Quotes in the tag "politics":

ID Year Tags Quote
00160 1852 racism, politics Some may think I dont know as much as they do But I know that I know more than they do. The Lord wil...
00161 1863 racism, slavery, politics The rank, rabid abolitionists, whom I call black-hearted Republicans, have set the whole national fa...
00165 1852 racism, politics Again to the subject before us; as to the [Negro] men bearing rule; not one of the children of old C...
00171 1852 racism, salvation-ban, politics The negro... should serve the seed of Abraham; he should not be a ruler, nor vote for men to rule ov...
00172 1852 racism, politics, salvation-ban The seed of Canaan cannot hold any office, civil or ecclesiastical. They have not wisdom to act like...
00178 1856 slavery, politics It is not the prerogative of the President of the United States to meddle with this matter, and Cong...
00182 1852 racism, politics, salvation-ban In the Kingdom of God on Earth, the Africans cannot hold one particle of power in government. The su...
00186 1862 politics, slavery I can tell all the world that we mean to sustain the Constitution of the United States and all right...
00188 1863 violence, slavery, politics According to accounts, in all probability not less than one million men, from twenty to forty years ...
00321 1967 politics, civil-rights, communism, racism There is no doubt that the so-called civil rights movement as it exists today is used as a Communist...
00323 1967 politics, communism, civil-rights The Communist strategists call this alternate plan a 'proletarian' revolution. This plan is as follo...
00324 1967 civil-rights, racism, violence, communism, politics Not one in a thousand Americans -- black or white -- really understands the full implications of tod...
00325 1965 communism, politics, civil-rights Before I left for Europe I warned how the communists were using the civil rights movement to promote...
00326 1967 civil-rights, politics Today, human rights in property are being restricted and threatened as never before. Much of this is...
00327 1967 civil-rights, politics Our Republic and Constitution are being destroyed while enemies of freedom are being aided. How? In ...
00328 1967 civil-rights, politics, communism CHAPTER 13 CIVIL RIGHTS - TOOL OF COMMUNIST DECEPTION...
00330 1967 civil-rights, communism, politics Such timely counsel could help save our country from communism, as the same 'masters of deceit' are ...
00332 1967 civil-rights, politics, violence Police should not be encumbered by civilian review boards... Persistent cries of 'police brutality' ...
00333 1967 civil-rights, communism, politics The man who is generally recognized as the leader of the so-called civil rights movement today in Am...
00342 1965 civil-rights, politics The leadership program, the members and the accomplishments of the John Birch Society [An organizati...
00344 1988 politics, communism Our families may be corrupted by worldly trends and teachings unless we know how to use the book [of...
00343 1977 civil-rights, politics I read earlier the statement released by the First Presidency of the Church. Recently a letter was s...
00394 2008 homosexuality, politics We ask that you do all you can to support the proposed constitutional amendment by donating of your ...
00137 1890 polygamy, politics There is nothing in my teachings to the Church or in those of my associates, during the time specifi...