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The negro... should serve the seed of Abraham; he should not be a ruler, nor vote for men to rule over me nor my brethren. The Constitution of Deseret is silent upon this, we meant it should be so. The seed of Canaan cannot hold any office, civil or ecclesiastical... The decree of God that Canaan should be a servant of servants unto his brethren (i.e. Shem and Japhet) is in full force. The day will come when the seed of Canaan will be redeemed and have all the blessings their brethren enjoy. Any person that mingles his seed with the seed of Canaan forfeits the right to rule and all the blessings of the Priesthood of God; and unless his blood were spilled and that of his offspring he nor they could not be saved until the posterity of Canaan are redeemed.
- Brigham Young (President)
1852-01-05, Church Historian's Office Records Collection, LDS Church Archives; quoted in Ricks, "A Peculiar Place," 114