Exclamations, not questions. Tags | Authors | Callings

Quotes by the author "Harold B. Lee":

ID Year Tags Quote
00281 1961 racism, salvation-ban Some are heralding the fact that there was one of colored blood, Elijah Abel, who was ordained a Sev...
00282 1962 homosexuality Homosexuality can be overcome. I was asked by a prominent family some years ago to work with a girl ...
00283 1962 homosexuality Her mother had pleaded, 'Won't you give her a blessing?' I took her in my office and thought I would...
00284 1962 sexuality The Lord said: 'Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and it was so. And I, God, created...
00285 1970 sexuality, homosexuality I want to warn this great body of priesthood against that great sin of Sodom and Gomorrah, which has...
00286 1965 sexuality, education Sex education in schools is not the answer... People are not discouraged from becoming safecrackers ...
00287 1970 racism There are other forces sweeping this and other countries that would break down all social barriers a...
00288 1970 racism, salvation-ban There is no truth more plainly taught in the Gospel than that our condition in the next world will d...
00289 1970 racism This privilege of obtaining a mortal body on this earth is seemingly so priceless that those in the ...
00290 1970 racism, native-americans The Indians on the American continent are descendants of the tribes of Ephraim, Judah, Manasseh, we ...
00291 1970 racism, salvation-ban Millions of souls have come into this world with the mark that was put upon Cain's posterity and hav...
00292 1970 racism, salvation-ban To impress the grave consequences and the seriousness of intermarriage as between those of different...
00293 1970 racism It might not be amiss likewise to urge upon you the most serious consideration of any question of yo...
00294 1970 native-americans, racism Throughout Central and South America there are likewise silent witnesses in uncovered cities attesti...
00295 1970 sexuality, racism Some years ago I was in Japan visiting the servicemen on the northern island of Hokiado. A young man...
00296 1972 birth-control, sexuality Now, again, where there is abject poverty in some heavily populated countries, we declare it is a gr...
00297 1973 sexuality I was shocked to have you raise the question about 'oral lovemaking in the genital area among marrie...
00298 1973 education, sexuality The secret of the strength of this church may be found in the statement of a president of a student ...
00299 1973 sexuality, education We come to you, one of the greatest bodies of priesthood that has ever been assembled, so we underst...
00313 1971 sexuality And now, the voice of a commentator: 'Recently, the screen industry solemnly announced that hencefor...