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Quotes by the author "Brigham Young":

ID Year Tags Quote
00031 1845 prophecy And when we get into Jackson county to walk in the courts of that house, we can say we built this te...
00032 1852 polygamy Admit, for argument's sake, that the "Mormon" Elders have more wives than one, yet our enemies never...
00034 1859 slavery, racism Trace mankind down to after the flood, and then another curse is pronounced upon the same race - tha...
00035 1863 slavery, racism Ham will continue to be the servant of servants, as the Lord has decreed, until the curse is removed...
00036 1863 slavery, racism Treat the slaves kindly and let them live, for Ham must be the servant of servants until the curse i...
00037 1870 prophecy So it is with regard to the inhabitants of the sun. Do you think it is inhabited? I rather think it ...
00060 1855 racism [Brigham Young] said they [those of other kingdoms] would eventually have the privilege of proving t...
00066 1867 adam-god ...the God that I serve is progressing eternally, and so are his children: they will increase to all...
00070 1852 adam-god Now hear it, O inhabitants of the earth, Jew and Gentile, Saint and sinner! When our father Adam cam...
00071 1852 adam-god Another meeting this evening. President B. Young taught that Adam was the father of Jesus and the on...
00072 1852 adam-god Again, they will try to tell how the divinity of Jesus is joined to his humanity, and exhaust all th...
00073 1852 adam-god Who begat the Son of God? Infidels say that Jesus was a bastard, but let me tell you the truth conce...
00074 1854 adam-god I reckon that father Adam was a resurrected being, with his wives and posterity, and that in the Cel...
00075 1854 adam-god I reckon that Father Adam, and mother Eve had the children of the human family prepared to come here...
00076 1854 adam-god ...and his father is our God, and the Father of our spirits, and he is the framer of the body, the G...
00078 1854 adam-god Brother Pratt also thought that Adam was made of the dust of the earth. Could not believe that Adam ...
00079 1970 adam-god He [Brigham Young] said that our God was Father Adam. He was the Father of the Savior Jesus Christ -...
00080 1854 adam-god ...attended a very interesting conference, for at this meeting President Brigham Young said thus, th...
00081 1857 adam-god Some have grumbled because I believe our God to be so near to us as Father Adam. There are many who ...
00082 1868 adam-god The doctrine preached by Pres. Young for a few years back, wherein he says that Adam is our God - th...
00083 1869 adam-god Some have thought it strange what I have said concerning Adam, but the period will come when this pe...
00084 1873 adam-god How much unbelief exists in the minds of the Latter-day Saints in regard to one particular doctrine ...
00085 1970 adam-god President Young said Adam was Michael the Archangel, and he was the Father of Jesus Christ and was o...
00093 1857 blood-atonement This is loving our neighbor as ourselves; if he needs help, help him; and if he wants salvation and ...
00094 1857 blood-atonement The time has been in Israel under the law of God, the celestial law, or that which pertains to the c...
00095 1857 blood-atonement All mankind love themselves, and let these principles be known by an individual, and he would be gla...
00096 1857 blood-atonement Now take a person in this congregation who has knowledge with regard to being saved in the kingdom o...
00097 1857 blood-atonement I could refer you to plenty of instances where men, have been righteously slain, in order to atone f...
00098 1856 blood-atonement I do know that there are sins committed, of such a nature that if the people did understand the doct...
00099 1856 sexuality, blood-atonement Suppose you found your brother in bed with your wife, and put a javelin through both of them. You wo...
00100 1856 blood-atonement There is not a man or woman, who violates the covenants made with their God, that will not be requir...
00101 1853 blood-atonement, native-americans If you want to know what to do with a thief that you may find stealing, I say kill him on the spot, ...
00102 1853 blood-atonement, native-americans I know this appears hard, and throws a cold chill over our revered traditions received by early educ...
00103 1857 blood-atonement Now take a person in this congregation who has knowledge with regard to being saved in the kingdom o...
00104 1855 blood-atonement I will tell you how much I love those characters. If they had any respect to their own welfare, they...
00105 1852 racism, blood-atonement And if any man mingles his seed with the seed of Cane the ownly way he Could get rid of it or have s...
00120 1865 polygamy Ladies and gentlemen, I exhort you to think for yourselves, and read your Bibles for yourselves, get...
00121 1862 polygamy 'But,' says a Presbyterian, 'Abraham was a polygamist.' He was. 'And you say that his religion is po...
00122 1862 polygamy Monogamy, or restrictions by law to one wife, is no part of the economy of heaven among men. Such a ...
00123 1862 polygamy Why do we believe in and practice polygamy? Because the Lord introduced it to his servants in a reve...
00138 1852 racism, salvation-ban The Lord said I will not kill Cane But I will put a mark upon him and it is seen in the [face?] of e...
00139 1854 racism, salvation-ban He killed his brother. The Lord put a mark on him; and there are some of his children in this room. ...
00140 1852 racism, salvation-ban If there was never a Prophet or Apostle of Jesus Christ [that] spoke it before, I tell you, this peo...
00141 1852 racism, salvation-ban Now I tell you what I know: when the mark was put upon Cain, Abel's children was in all probability ...
00142 1859 racism, salvation-ban How long is that race to endure the dreadful curse that is upon them? That curse will remain upon th...
00157 1852 racism, salvation-ban It has been argued here that many of the Jews were Black. Whenever the seed of Judah mingled with th...
00158 1857 racism You can see men and women who are sixty or seventy years of age looking young and handsome; but let ...
00159 1852 racism, salvation-ban As an Ensample let the Presidency, Twelve Seventies High Priest Bishops & all the Authorities say no...
00160 1852 racism, politics Some may think I dont know as much as they do But I know that I know more than they do. The Lord wil...
00161 1863 racism, slavery, politics The rank, rabid abolitionists, whom I call black-hearted Republicans, have set the whole national fa...
00162 1863 racism Shall I tell you the law of God in regard to the African race? If the white man who belongs to the c...
00163 1863 racism, slavery The Southerners make the negroes, and the Northerners worship them; this is all the difference betwe...
00164 1859 racism You see some classes of the human family that are black, uncouth, un-comely, disagreeable and low in...
00165 1852 racism, politics Again to the subject before us; as to the [Negro] men bearing rule; not one of the children of old C...
00166 1852 racism, slavery I am opposed to abusing that which God has decreed, to take a blessing, and make a curse of it. It i...
00167 1852 racism Now, says the Grandfather, I will not destroy the seed of Michael and his wife, and Cain I will not ...
00168 1852 racism, salvation-ban We know there is a portion of inhabitants of the Earth who dwell in Asia that are Negroes, and said ...
00169 1852 racism, salvation-ban Let this Church which is called the Kingdom of God on the Earth; we will summons the First Presidenc...
00170 1859 racism The first man that committed the odious crime of killing one of his brethren will be cursed the long...
00171 1852 racism, salvation-ban, politics The negro... should serve the seed of Abraham; he should not be a ruler, nor vote for men to rule ov...
00172 1852 racism, politics, salvation-ban The seed of Canaan cannot hold any office, civil or ecclesiastical. They have not wisdom to act like...
00174 1851 slavery, racism At 5 o'clock p.m. a meeting was held in the Bowery, at which Pres. Brigham Young preached to the peo...
00175 1855 slavery, racism In our first settlement in Missouri, it was said by our enemies that we intended to tamper with the ...
00176 1853 racism, violence Take up the history of the first settling of America, and you cannot read of a colony ever being set...
00177 1859 racism You may inquire of the intelligent of the world whether they can tell why the aborigines of this cou...
00178 1856 slavery, politics It is not the prerogative of the President of the United States to meddle with this matter, and Cong...
00179 1859 slavery H.G.- What is the position of your Church with respect to Slavery? B.Y.- We consider it of Divine In...
00180 1863 slavery, violence What is the cause of all this waste of life and treasure? To tell it in a plain, truthful way, one p...
00181 1852 slavery I have this section in my hand, headed 'An Act in relation to African Slavery.' I have read it over ...
00182 1852 racism, politics, salvation-ban In the Kingdom of God on Earth, the Africans cannot hold one particle of power in government. The su...
00183 1855 slavery, racism You must not think, from what I say, that I am opposed to slavery. No! The negro is damned, and is t...
00184 1856 violence, apostasy The time is coming when justice will be laid to the line and righteousness to the plummet; when we s...
00185 1853 violence, apostasy I say, rather than that apostates should flourish here, I will unsheath my bowie knife, and conquer ...
00186 1862 politics, slavery I can tell all the world that we mean to sustain the Constitution of the United States and all right...
00187 1862 violence, apostasy If a child or relative of mine forsakes the Gospel, the holy Priesthood, his God, and the kingdom of...
00188 1863 violence, slavery, politics According to accounts, in all probability not less than one million men, from twenty to forty years ...
00189 1856 apostasy Elders, never love your wives one hair's breadth further than they adorn the Gospel, never love them...
00190 1856 apostasy I will now ask the sisters, do you believe that you are worthy of any greater love than you bestow u...
00191 1867 violence, birth-control To check the increase of our race has its advocates among the influential and powerful circles of so...