Exclamations, not questions. Tags | Authors | Callings

Quotes by authors with the calling "Apostle":

ID Year Tags Quote
00207 1855 racism At the end of that time he [the man who claims to be too 'independent' to receive prophetic counsel]...
00049 1979 money In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints there is no paid ministry, no professional clergy...
00057 1988 suicide To threaten or to take life, even our own in suicide, is to offend God, for He 'in all things hath f...
00398 1976 homosexuality, violence There are some men who entice young men to join them in these immoral acts [homosexuality]. If you a...
00399 1976 homosexuality There is a falsehood that some are born with an attraction to their own kind, with nothing they can ...
00400 1977 racism Now, one other subject. It's been the policy of the Church—and it's been spoken on many occasions—th...
00401 1977 racism, marriage Our courtships ought to be adequate. You may pick out a couple-he was 18 and she was 17 when they ma...
00402 1981 education I have come to believe that it is the tendency for many members of the Church who spend a great deal...
00403 1981 apostasy Remember: when you see the bitter apostate, you do not see only an absence of light, you see also th...
00404 1981 history, education, faith Those of us who are extensively engaged in researching the wisdom of man, including those who write ...
00405 1981 truth, education The writer who has an exaggerated loyalty to the theory that everything must be told is laying a fou...
00406 1981 truth, history, faith There is a temptation for the writer or the teacher of Church history to want to tell everything, wh...
00407 1981 faith, history One who chooses to follow the tenets of his profession, regardless of how they may injure the Church...
00408 1992 sexuality A couple may be tempted to introduce things into their relationship which are unworthy. Do not, as t...
00409 1993 feminism, education, homosexuality The dangers I speak of come from the gay-lesbian movement, the feminist movement (both of which are ...
00410 1993 education, truth Those who are hurting think they are not understood. They are looking for a champion, an advocate, s...
00411 1993 feminism The woman pleading for help needs to see the eternal nature of things and to know that her trials-ho...
00226 1896 racism The blood of Cain was more predominant in these Mexicans than that of Israel, and we thus condemn th...
00065 1980 adam-god There are those who say that there is progression from one kingdom to another in the eternal worlds ...
00069 1980 adam-god There are those who say that God is progressing in knowledge and is learning new truths. This is fal...
00092 1981 polygamy, adam-god, education You talk about teaching false doctrine and being damned. Here is a list of false doctrines that if s...
00414 1980 homosexuality, sexuality We live in a day of evil and wickedness. The generality of men are carnal, sensual, and devilish. Th...
00415 1981 truth, education It is my province to teach to the Church what the doctrine is. It is your province to echo what I sa...
00058 2018 suicide There's an old sectarian notion that suicide is a sin and that someone who commits suicide is banish...
00051 2012 money We have no professionally trained and salaried clergy in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Sai...
00423 1984 homosexuality It would also be desirable to permit employers to exclude homosexuals from influential positions in ...
00424 1985 criticism Criticism is particularly objectionable when it is directed toward Church authorities, general or lo...
00425 1985 criticism The young warrior David recognized that we are never justified in any gesture or act against the Lor...
00426 1985 criticism The Holy Ghost will not guide or confirm criticism of the Lord's anointed, or of Church leaders, loc...
00427 1986 criticism The counsel against speaking evil of Church leaders is not so much for the benefit of the leaders as...
00428 1986 criticism President David O. McKay said this about what he called 'murmurers' and 'faultfinders': ''Speak not ...
00429 1992 criticism My duty as a member of the Council of the Twelve is to protect what is most unique about the LDS chu...
00430 1994 money Some people say, 'I can't afford to pay tithing.' Those who place their faith in the Lord's promises...
00431 1995 homosexuality, sexuality The person that's working [to resist] those tendencies [of homosexuality] ought not to feel himself ...
00432 2005 sexuality And young women, please understand that if you dress immodestly, you are magnifying this problem by ...
00433 2006 homosexuality I can also imagine some circumstances in which it might be possible to say [to a gay child], 'Yes, c...
00434 2007 criticism I also said something else that has excited people: that it's wrong to criticize leaders of the Chur...
00435 2008 truth Another way to seek a testimony seems astonishing when compared with the methods of obtaining other ...
00441 2016 homosexuality Q: How can homosexual members of the Church live and remain steadfast in the Gospel? A: First I want...
00242 1916 birth-control, sexuality Such parents may be sincere, even if misguided; but in most cases the desire not to have children ha...
00243 1916 birth-control, racism Man, not woman, is the chief cause of this evil of race suicide [the use of contraceptives] now swee...
00374 1964 racism, slavery After listening to your talk on Civil Rights, I am very much concerned. Several others have expresse...
00375 1964 slavery, racism When I reflect upon the Prophet's statements and remember what happened to three of our nation's pre...
00376 1964 racism In this respect [the demise of those who are active in the Negro cause], let me give you a personal ...
00377 1964 racism, slavery I am sure you know that the Prophet Joseph Smith, in connection with the Negro problem of this count...
00378 1964 racism The statements of the Prophet Joseph Smith have been a helpful influence on me because they accord w...
00379 1964 racism It is not right to force any class or race of people upon those of a different social order or race ...
00380 1964 racism I am not against a Civil Rights Bill if it conforms to the views of the Prophet Joseph Smith accordi...
00381 1964 racism Now, don't think I am against the Negro people, because I have several in my employ. We must underst...
00208 1857 marriage Do you uphold your husband before God as your lord? 'What! My husband to be my lord?' I ask, Can you...
00321 1967 politics, civil-rights, communism, racism There is no doubt that the so-called civil rights movement as it exists today is used as a Communist...
00322 1969 civil-rights, racism Christ taught that we should be in the world but not of it. Yet there are some in our midst who are ...
00323 1967 politics, communism, civil-rights The Communist strategists call this alternate plan a 'proletarian' revolution. This plan is as follo...
00324 1967 civil-rights, racism, violence, communism, politics Not one in a thousand Americans -- black or white -- really understands the full implications of tod...
00325 1965 communism, politics, civil-rights Before I left for Europe I warned how the communists were using the civil rights movement to promote...
00326 1967 civil-rights, politics Today, human rights in property are being restricted and threatened as never before. Much of this is...
00327 1967 civil-rights, politics Our Republic and Constitution are being destroyed while enemies of freedom are being aided. How? In ...
00328 1967 civil-rights, politics, communism CHAPTER 13 CIVIL RIGHTS - TOOL OF COMMUNIST DECEPTION...
00329 1967 salvation-ban, slavery The Prophet Joseph Smith understood this principle when he said, 'The curse is not yet taken off fro...
00330 1967 civil-rights, communism, politics Such timely counsel could help save our country from communism, as the same 'masters of deceit' are ...
00331 1967 communism, civil-rights, racism From the beginning of the so-called Negro Revolution and the insane antics identified with it... I h...
00332 1967 civil-rights, politics, violence Police should not be encumbered by civilian review boards... Persistent cries of 'police brutality' ...
00333 1967 civil-rights, communism, politics The man who is generally recognized as the leader of the so-called civil rights movement today in Am...
00334 1969 education, sexuality President Joseph F. Smith was right when he said that false educational ideas would be one of the th...
00335 1969 education, sexuality When you make a close study of the Sex Information and Education Council of the United States (known...
00336 1969 education, sexuality At the last general Relief Society conference of the Church, Elder Harold B. Lee quoted President J....
00337 1969 sexuality, education, communism As citizens of the greatest nation of the world, we face a deadly serious crisis. We must do battle ...
00338 1970 sexuality, education Open letter to school principal - Recently some parents paid for space in a newspaper to run an open...
00339 1970 education, evolution Now, whether your child attends this type of school or not, it is important that you stay close to y...
00340 1970 family, birth-control, sexuality The world teaches birth control. Tragically, many of our sisters subscribe to its pills and practice...
00341 1970 prophecy, money For the righteous the gospel provides a warning before a calamity, a program for the crises, a refug...
00342 1965 civil-rights, politics The leadership program, the members and the accomplishments of the John Birch Society [An organizati...
00061 1884 adam-god The Savior tells us that the terrestrial glory, or kingdom, is likened unto the glory of the moon, w...
00209 1896 money The tithing is not yours, it is the Lord's; and if you keep it, you are robbing the Lord that much. ...
00131 1856 polygamy, racism We breathe the free air, we have the best looking men and handsomest women, and if they envy us our ...
00173 1852 native-americans To all to whom it may concern: This certifies that Captain Walker [Wakara] and Peeteetneet of the Eu...
00205 1851 blood-atonement The principle, the only one that beats and throbs through the heart of the entire inhabitants of thi...
00238 1916 family My wife has borne to me fifteen children. Anything short of this would have been less than her duty ...
00239 1939 racism, salvation-ban PUNISHMENT OF THOSE NOT VALIANT - The negro is an unfortunate man. He has been given a black skin. B...
00240 1939 racism, salvation-ban I can not conceive our Father consigning his children to a condition such as that of the negro race,...
00133 1869 polygamy It is a fact worthy of note that the shortest-lived nations of which we have record have been monoga...
00227 1901 money, prophecy We have nothing to do with the world, except to preach the Gospel to them. When you desire to patter...
00388 1967 sexuality I know what my mother expects. I know what she's saying in her prayers. She'd rather have me come ho...
00281 1961 racism, salvation-ban Some are heralding the fact that there was one of colored blood, Elijah Abel, who was ordained a Sev...
00282 1962 homosexuality Homosexuality can be overcome. I was asked by a prominent family some years ago to work with a girl ...
00283 1962 homosexuality Her mother had pleaded, 'Won't you give her a blessing?' I took her in my office and thought I would...
00284 1962 sexuality The Lord said: 'Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and it was so. And I, God, created...
00286 1965 sexuality, education Sex education in schools is not the answer... People are not discouraged from becoming safecrackers ...
00030 1844 polygamy Whereas brother Richard Hewitt has called on me today to know my views concerning some doctrines tha...
00059 1843 eternal-progression Hiram [Smith] said Aug 1st. Those of the Terrestrial Glory either advance to the Celestial or recede...
00045 1970 prophecy The ten tribes shall come; they are not lost unto the Lord; they shall be brought forth as hath been...
00440 2021 homosexuality, education If a student commandeers a graduation podium intended to represent everyone getting diplomas that da...
00068 1937 eternal-progression If the great law of progression be accepted, God must have been engaged from the beginning, and must...
00274 1943 birth-control Moreover, since birth control roots in a species of selfishness, the spiritual life of the user of c...
00275 1943 family After listening to a plea for divorce by a sister in the Church, he [Brigham Young] finally answered...
00194 1852 racism For instance, the descendants of Cain cannot cast off their skin of blackness at once, and immediate...
00195 1852 racism Cain did not obtain Abel's birthright and blessings, though he killed him for that purpose; the bles...
00196 1852 racism, native-americans The Lamananites, through transgression, became a loathsome, ignorant, and filthy people, and were cu...
00197 1852 birth-control, racism And so fearfully does this prevail in many parts, that parents are afraid to fulfill the first great...
00198 1857 racism, slavery This Greeley [an abolitionist] is one of their popular characters in the East, and one that supports...
00199 1860 racism Some of us are learning to swear almost as good as some of the Gentiles. Some of us are learning to ...
00247 1916 birth-control Those who attempt to pervert the ways of the Lord, and to prevent their offspring from coming into t...
00248 1916 birth-control It is indeed, a case of survival of the fittest, and it is only a matter of time before those who so...
00249 1931 racism, salvation-ban That negro race, for instance, have been placed under restrictions because of their attitude in the ...
00250 1931 racism, salvation-ban The name of Ham is also rather significant, for it means 'swarthy' or 'black.' It is possible that t...
00251 1931 racism Is it not a reasonable belief that the Lord would select the most choice spirits to come to the bett...
00252 1931 racism, salvation-ban Not only was Cain called upon to suffer, but because of his wickedness he became the father of an in...
00253 1931 racism, salvation-ban In the spirit of sympathy, mercy, and faith, we will also hope that blessings may eventually be give...
00254 1931 racism, salvation-ban It was well understood by the early elders of the Church that the mark which was placed on Cain and ...
00255 1931 racism, salvation-ban, native-americans During the course of a discussion in Nauvoo in 1842, on the question as to whether the Negroes or th...
00256 1935 money, prophecy I was asked, not long ago, if I could tell when the Lord would come. I answered 'Yes,' and I answer ...
00416 2014 homosexuality Q. "How do you help a young man or young woman who comes in and says 'I think that I'm gay?'" A. "Gi...
00417 2014 homosexuality I do not believe they are born with it [homosexuality]. It is a temptation like any other....
00418 2014 homosexuality Homosexual marriages will always be sin in the eyes of the Lord and they will be judged accordingly ...
00438 2010 homosexuality GWG: He's in solitary confinement. They're worried about him [Bradley Manning] committing suicide. I...
00438 2010 homosexuality GWG: He's in solitary confinement. They're worried about him [Bradley Manning] committing suicide. I...
00439 2015 truth It's wonderful to know what we know. We're so blessed. We don't have to wonder why we're here for. W...
00382 1952 money Another reward for paying tithing is a guarantee against being consumed in the burning to accompany ...
00383 1954 money I want to read a text by which we may test ourselves today and always as to where we stand with refe...
00046 1955 evolution No oak tree ever bore chestnuts. No whale ever gave birth to a fish, and waving fields of wheat in e...
00047 1982 global-flood Noah was real. The flood was real. And so was the ark, as were the various species of life saved in ...
00345 1953 birth-control Newly married couples who start out in life are expected to keep his commandment [to multiply and re...
00346 1953 birth-control Some who have been perfectly healthy and able to bear children have avoided this responsibility, and...
00347 1954 racism God has commanded Israel not to intermarry. To go against this commandment of God would be in sin. T...
00348 1954 racism, salvation-ban No person having the least particle of Negro blood can hold the Priesthood....
00349 1954 racism, salvation-ban It does not matter if they are one-sixth Negro or one-hundred and sixth, the curse of no Priesthood ...
00350 1954 racism I think I have read enough to give you an idea of what the Negro is after. He is not just seeking th...
00351 1954 racism Now we are generous with the Negro. We are willing that the Negro have the highest education. I woul...
00352 1954 racism, salvation-ban Think of the Negro, cursed as to the priesthood. Are we prejudiced against him? Unjustly, sometimes ...
00353 1954 racism, salvation-ban Is there reason then why the type of birth we receive in this life is not a reflection of our worthi...
00354 1954 racism I would like to read to you now from The Way to Perfection, by President Joseph Fielding Smith. I be...
00355 1954 racism Now what is our policy in regard to intermarriage? As to the Negro, of course, there is only one pos...
00356 1954 racism What is our advice with respect to intermarriage with Chinese, Japanese, Hawaiians and so on? I will...
00357 1954 racism Now let's talk about segregation again for a few moments. Was segregation a wrong principle? When th...
00358 1954 racism, salvation-ban In placing a curse on Laman and Lemuel, He engaged in segregation. When He placed the mark upon Cain...
00359 1954 racism Who placed the Negroes originally in darkest Africa? Was it some man, or was it God? And when He pla...
00360 1954 racism, salvation-ban The Lord segregated the people both as to blood and place of residence. At least in the cases of the...
00361 1954 racism, salvation-ban We mustn't intermarry with the Negro. Why? If I were to marry a Negro woman and have children by her...
00362 1954 racism, salvation-ban Let us consider the great mercy of God for a moment. A Chinese, born in China with a dark skin, and ...
00363 1954 racism, salvation-ban, native-americans Well, what about the removal of the curse? We know what the Lord has said in the Book of Mormon in r...
00364 1954 racism, salvation-ban You remember that Brigham Young has said... 'When all of the other children of Adam have had the pri...
00365 1954 racism, salvation-ban President Woodruff added, 'The Lord said, "I will not kill Cain, but I will put a mark upon him, and...
00366 1965 sexuality, homosexuality Legislators are being asked to rule that adultery should no longer be considered a crime that homose...
00367 1969 birth-control In this birth control effort man places himself in direct opposition to the plan and laws of God. Th...
00368 1969 homosexuality, sexuality Homosexuality was made a capital crime in the Bible. It was the Almighty who decreed that men and wo...
00369 1981 sexuality Overcoming masturbation: Never read pornographic material. Never read about your problem. Keep it ou...
00370 1981 sexuality Overcoming masturbation: If you are associated with other persons having this same problem, YOU MUST...
00371 1981 sexuality If you associate something very distasteful with your loss of self-control it will help you to stop ...
00372 1981 money Why do some say they can not afford to pay tithing when just the reverse is true? And when great tri...
00231 1900 money Further improvement [in tithing] is in order, and it will be well for us to do a little better this ...
00038 1880 truth Another great change happened nearly two thousand years after the earth was made. It was baptized by...
00128 1869 polygamy, sexuality This law of monogamy, or the monogamic system, laid the foundation for prostitution and the evils an...
00129 1852 polygamy, sexuality Indeed, Plurality among them is considered, not only virtuous and right, but a great check or preven...
00130 1852 polygamy, sexuality Some of the nations of Europe who believe in the one wife system have actually forbidden a plurality...
00193 1839 racism, salvation-ban The statement concerning our invitation to them [free negroes and mulattoes] to become "Mormons," an...
00273 1929 money If you knew how generously money has been expended to train our youth, to teach them to 'pray withou...
00232 1900 money In the case of an Elder, it was explained that he could not be persuaded to do anything in a Church ...
00233 1902 money As early as the year 1823, the Lord made use of this language. 'Behold I will reveal unto you the Pr...
00234 1916 birth-control Woman is so constituted that, ordinarily, she is capable of bearing, during the years of her greates...
00421 1985 sexuality, homosexuality Generally speaking, the disease [AIDS] selectively destroys those engaging in homosexual and adulter...
00422 1993 money Other unchanging principles include divine commandments -- even those that seem to be temporal. Tith...
00064 1969 eternal-progression After a person has been assigned to his place in the kingdom, either in the telestial, the terrestri...
00300 1960 racism, native-americans These young members of the Church are changing to whiteness and delightsomeness. One white elder jok...
00301 1960 racism, native-americans Very soon there will be an Indian boy paired off in missionary work with each white boy, and this wi...
00302 1960 racism, native-americans In this picture of the twenty Lamanite missionaries, fifteen of the twenty were as light as Anglos, ...
00303 1960 racism, native-americans The children in the home placement program in Utah are often lighter than their brothers and sisters...
00304 1960 racism, native-americans The day of the Lamanites is here! Young white missionaries throughout the Church are happy in the se...
00305 1964 sexuality There are many other physicians in the colleges, on the streets, in business places among us who hav...
00306 1964 homosexuality When quite a number of men were being arrested for these ugly practices [homosexuality], the preside...
00307 1964 homosexuality We are told that as far back as Henry the VIII, this vice [homosexuality] was referred to as "THE AB...
00308 1964 homosexuality 'GOD MADE ME THAT WAY,' some say as they rationalize and excuse themselves for their perversions [ho...
00309 1964 homosexuality One young man I called in persistently continued to lie. He kept insisting that I tell him who had r...
00310 1964 homosexuality, sexuality, blood-atonement Homosexuality is a sin of the ages. Sodom and Gomorrah were victims of its wretchedness. It was prev...
00311 1965 racism Now, the brethren feel that it is not the wisest thing to cross racial lines in dating and marrying....
00312 1969 sexuality Also far-reaching is the effect of loss of chastity. Once given or taken or stolen it can never be r...
00320 1982 racism We are unanimous, all of the Brethren, in feeling and recommending that Indians marry Indians, and M...
00320 1982 racism We are unanimous, all of the Brethren, in feeling and recommending that Indians marry Indians, and M...
00320 1982 racism We are unanimous, all of the Brethren, in feeling and recommending that Indians marry Indians, and M...
00320 1982 racism We are unanimous, all of the Brethren, in feeling and recommending that Indians marry Indians, and M...
00320 1982 racism We are unanimous, all of the Brethren, in feeling and recommending that Indians marry Indians, and M...
00320 1982 racism We are unanimous, all of the Brethren, in feeling and recommending that Indians marry Indians, and M...
00320 1982 racism We are unanimous, all of the Brethren, in feeling and recommending that Indians marry Indians, and M...
00320 1982 racism We are unanimous, all of the Brethren, in feeling and recommending that Indians marry Indians, and M...
00320 1982 racism We are unanimous, all of the Brethren, in feeling and recommending that Indians marry Indians, and M...
00320 1982 racism We are unanimous, all of the Brethren, in feeling and recommending that Indians marry Indians, and M...
00320 1982 racism We are unanimous, all of the Brethren, in feeling and recommending that Indians marry Indians, and M...
00320 1982 racism We are unanimous, all of the Brethren, in feeling and recommending that Indians marry Indians, and M...
00395 2015 homosexuality, family A natural or adopted child of a parent living in a same-gender relationship, whether the couple is m...
00395 2015 homosexuality, family A natural or adopted child of a parent living in a same-gender relationship, whether the couple is m...
00395 2015 homosexuality, family A natural or adopted child of a parent living in a same-gender relationship, whether the couple is m...
00395 2015 homosexuality, family A natural or adopted child of a parent living in a same-gender relationship, whether the couple is m...
00395 2015 homosexuality, family A natural or adopted child of a parent living in a same-gender relationship, whether the couple is m...
00395 2015 homosexuality, family A natural or adopted child of a parent living in a same-gender relationship, whether the couple is m...
00395 2015 homosexuality, family A natural or adopted child of a parent living in a same-gender relationship, whether the couple is m...
00395 2015 homosexuality, family A natural or adopted child of a parent living in a same-gender relationship, whether the couple is m...
00395 2015 homosexuality, family A natural or adopted child of a parent living in a same-gender relationship, whether the couple is m...
00395 2015 homosexuality, family A natural or adopted child of a parent living in a same-gender relationship, whether the couple is m...
00395 2015 homosexuality, family A natural or adopted child of a parent living in a same-gender relationship, whether the couple is m...
00395 2015 homosexuality, family A natural or adopted child of a parent living in a same-gender relationship, whether the couple is m...
00067 1857 eternal-progression If there was a point where man in his progression could not proceed any further, the very idea would...
00088 1860 adam-god Brother Cannon said there was a learned Doctor that wanted to be baptized.... He [the doctor] is sat...
00089 1868 adam-god I feel thankful for the privilege of speaking a few words to this school. I wish to refer to the fir...
00134 1869 polygamy If we were to do away with polygamy, it would only be one feather in the bird, one ordinance in the ...